An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope

“Ken Abell knows the power of story. In this gripping story of grief, heartache, and growth, he outlines the seasons of his life. As Ken explores the depths of grief, he also speaks of how heartache brings growth. The personal nature of his story sets this book apart and will help readers connect with their own times of grief and loss.”—AMY GINGERICH, Editorial Director, Herald Press

“An absorbing account of profound emotion as death stalks the author and truth bores into our souls that ‘all of life is preparation.’ Each scene draws us forward as we see how God uses the stuff of life—disconnected fragments and inconceivable accidents—to form a grand scheme. Truly only faith in God and in the extravagance of grace brings meaning to life on earth. This is a very satisfying glimpse of God’s work in another’s life.”—GRACE HOLLAND, Retired missionary and Professor of Missions

Abell.OrdinaryStory.95658Grief is universal, permeating all avenues of life on planet earth; no one can escape it. Pain and sorrow comes in all different shapes and sizes. An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope accepts that life is hard. It explores the full scope of grief issues to proclaim that grace and hope are stronger than the hardness of life; grace and hope are saturated with redemptive power.

The book illustrates how those times of heartache result in growth that shapes our character and perspective.  It teaches that it’s our response to grief that determines whether growth will be positive or negative.

An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope provides true life narrative tied to Scripture to describe God’s presence in the midst of painful circumstances. It demonstrates that over time God uses both positive and negative experiences to accomplish his purposes in our lives. Its testimony to perseverance is an encouragement to others on their faith journey.

An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope can be purchased at AMAZON. It is also available direct from the publisher: WIPF & STOCK

“An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope is anything but an ordinary story. In the first few chapters, your heart will break over and over again as you learn of the heartbreaking tragedy that Ken has faced in his life, much of it in a very short time span. However, along with all of the tragedy, there always lurks that certain something….hope. I don’t want to ruin the story for you, as I really think I would be doing you a disservice if I tell all and you don’t read the book, so I will simply say that in the face of adversity, trials, and tears, Ken finds hope in unlikely places, and finds himself embarking on a spiritual journey that he never expected to follow. If you have ever grappled with your spirituality, if tragedy or loss has touched your life, you very much need to read this book. Everyone has a purpose in life, and regardless of your faith, denomination, beliefs, background, etc. we all must travel our own unique path in order to unearth our individual purpose. Being invited to share in Ken’s journey to do just that was an experience that I will never forget, and I truly hope you will all do the same.”—CHRISTIE LEWIS, Southern Idaho Living Magazine

1 Response to An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope

  1. kathy brown says:

    Ken was our pastor for two years, I think. When I read this book, I learned things about him that I would have not imagined. At first, I thought “A minister went through all of this?” And then I thought that going through all of that is what made Ken a great minister.

    Kathy Brown

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