Echoes of Evil

“As Abell weaves this tale, readers will find themselves searching inward to discover the need for forgiveness, hope, grace and redemption—while facing their humanity and past mistakes head on. The author masterfully reveals the reality that all are on a lifelong spiritual journey to find truth and meaning in the midst of the heartaches and trials of this world. He does it with historical accuracy, thrilling sub-plots, and fascinating characters. Echoes of Evil is not for the faint of heart. While being riveted to the narrative, the reader will need to muster the courage to face the truth of the human condition and decide how to respond.”Jud Damon, Director of Athletics, Flagler College

“In Echoes of Evil, the characters are laid bare as they struggle to find the grit, integrity and faith to continue their journey. This intricately plotted drama sheds light on mysteries that have arisen in the previous installments of the Deacon Coburn series, reinforcing that Abell is a storyteller of rare foresight and scope. There are several welcome additions to the cast of rogues, settlers, lawmen, villains and vagabonds. This novel is sure to leave readers shocked and thrilled, while being entertained and always wanting to know more about these intriguing men and women.”William D. Hastings, author of Behind Prison Walls

Echoes of Evil - PicEchoes of Evil, rejoins Deacon Coburn and company in a new adventure that picks up storylines and characters from Days of Purgatory and Shadows of Revenge.

Joys and sorrows are woven throughout the mosaic narrative. The pursuit of justice extracts a great price as gripping scenarios unfold and secrets are confronted in the midst of upheaval. True to his sojourner outlook, the whiskey-sipping philosophizer from Conoy Creek, always comes to the aid of others at just the right time and embodies a life-theme: “We ride upon the rippling currents set in motion for us by the Almighty. We merely lean into eddies we choose.” Populated by old west heroes and outlaws, Echoes of Evil introduces a cunning scoundrel unseen in the saga until now. The novel is a life and death struggle that has harrowing turns and supernatural overtones.

Echoes of Evil can be purchased at AMAZON or WIPF & STOCK.

“The third installment of Deacon Coburn’s saga is an intricately crafted story that begins with the threat of an epic snowstorm. It continues as a compelling narrative that explores the imagery of Biblical themes and supernatural folklore, which the author deftly links together. The tale is woven around an unforgettable cast—a Texas Ranger and his hardnosed daughter, homesteaders in New Mexico, an orphan searching for meaning, a wanderer with a special intuitive gift, a restaurateur living out her true worth, a ne’er do well bounty hunter, horse ranchers in Colorado, along with a loveable barber/dentist down on his luck and stuck in a tailspin. Deacon Coburn, the River Brethren man from Conoy Creek, rides through their lives led by conviction and conscience. A man of his word, he seeks to be true to the gospel seeds planted in his heart as a child. In both tough and tender ways, he attempts to embody a single truth: Though no one can escape the consequences of bad choices or be immune to the echoes of evil, there remains the ever-present possibility for hope and redemption. Abell delivers a spiritual twist that is authentic and thought-provoking.”—S. G. Wyant

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